Thursday, July 1, 2010

Eleven Day and a Wake-up

That's what we would say in the Navy... If you were shipping out it meant you had eleven days then departure day.
Well as of today I have 11 days and a wake up.  I had my final visit with the surgeon and then had a visit with the cardiologist.  My cardiologist feels I am in great shape, also that things will continue to get better.  I quit smoking a year and a half ago.  Those of you who knew me in high school know that I smoked like a chimney. I believe stopping may be saving my life, but more important not smoking means that the fusion in my neck will heal better and stronger.
I have helped surgeons use the implants that will be used in my Neck.  I understand how they work and I know that good people are using them on me.
I am not afraid, I know that's easy to say but, remember I had a quad heart bypass 14 years ago, and two heart attacks. It looks like anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks of recovery and rehab.
Check back soon there will be pictures of the surgery.

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