Saturday, June 26, 2010

Is it real or is it Memorex ?

I have found that the difference in what you feel vs. what you know can be a long walk.  What do I mean by that?   Before I knew I had a problem with the vertebrae in my neck all it ever seemed to me was my neck was stiff, or soar or you fill in the blank. Now it hurts all the time just like before but somehow my mind assigns this pain a higher priority. The problem that caused me to seek treatment is very much worse. Some nights I can only get an hour or two of sleep because the spasms that grip my legs or back or hands is quit frankly the worst pain I have ever felt.  Like the worst cramp you ever felt and you have to walk them off.  If you haven't walked enough and you lay down too soon the whole thing starts over again.
I am looking forward to putting this behind me.. but i'm telling you, this will be the last time... (I hope)

thanks for reading

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