Friday, June 25, 2010

Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery

Well, today I start the count down for the neck surgery I am to have. I will be having the surgery on the 14th of July 2010.  I still need a cardiac clearance then we will be ready to go.  Dr. Pam Russell will be passing the gas on this occasion.
This surgery is called an Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF).  If you are intrested here is a link describing the procedure.  mayfield
The symptoms I am having include some arm pain but mostly severe muscle spasms in my legs, back, hands, face... In short  everywhere.
I must remind everyone that one should not have spine surgery for "pain" you need surgery for the deficit that the problem creates.
I will let you know how the cradiac clearence works out...
I am a surgical tech and I help surgeons do this procedure.  I have confidence in the team that will do my surgery. Last I have confidence in my hospital St. Mary's Regional Medical Center.

So I will add more soon...

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