Friday, March 26, 2010


I have been watching "Boomer$" recorded from CNBC.
 It's about us and the remarkable journey that we took thru our lives. This program focused on the things that made us what we were then and now...
As I watched this show I wondered what happened to our generation.  We had high (both kinds) expectations and lofty ideals.  And in the end some would call us self-centered, We as a group fought a very unpopular ( Viet Nam)war.  Fought a very scarry war (cold war with the USSR) moved from the grittyness of Viet Nam to the deserts of the middle east.
The boomers are in charge now, and we still ended op in not one war but two... HELLO, how did we F... that up. At least when the troops get home now people turn out to great them.  When I returned I was spit on by members of my own generation.
 The wound of the Viet Nam war will always be near the surface for us... I colors everything from foreign policy to how we fight a war, and if we don't hurry the lessons of that war will be lost.
Well enough.  See this great show if you can... it's worth it.
Peace- out

1 comment:

ian mariano said...

Hello John,

I was introduced to Reno Fog through Flickr. Thanks man for all the wonderful photos. I was trying to look for your email because I wanted to ask for permission to use one of your photos in Reno (riverwalk) for a collage (along with w/ other pictures) for my blog.

I sure appreciate your work and don't mean to steal it. Please let me know if this is not cool.

Thanks man..

my email: