Tuesday, November 4, 2008

An Open Letter to Barack Obama
by reno_fog | November 4, 2008 at 09:15 pm

Dear Barack,

I call you that now because in a few hours I believe you will be the next priedent of the United States, and then it will not be proper.

First of all congratulation of your victory ( soon to be announced) and the clean honorable way you have run the campaign .

As you know it's been a lousy year and I suspect it will get worse before it gets better. This is the challenge you have taken on, and good luck, you will receive my full support. I am a life long Republican and voted for R. Regan three times in my life. You moved me and for once we had two good candidates for the office, you were the better choice.

Yes I voted for you not because you were the lesser of two evils but the better of two good men. NOW...

I don't have a laundry list of what I want you to do... what you do will be dictated by your heart and conscience.

But I have a wish and here it is... I would like you to consider doing what I think is your most important duty and that's to energize this country as a Democratic President did be for you.

The first President I remember being elected was John Kennedy and he was able to set this nation of the path of discovery and exploration. You can too. We have so many things that need to be fixed and improved and begun. Clean energy is the first... afordable clean energy JFK put us on the road to the moon, can you start us on the road to a clean honorable future?

You want my money in the form of taxes fine, but pleases spend it the right way. I have a grand daughter, I won't live long enough to protect her 20 years from now, will you help me make this a safe clean world for her? Not so the rich get richer, not so she will work all her life only to die unfulfilled.

You hold this country and it's people in your hands, please take good care of all the people those who put their oath in you and those who didn't.

Most of all GOOD LUCK and be a great President.

8:00 pm PST...NBC just announced that you are the new President. Mr. Obama... Mr President Good Luck

With Respect,

John D. Metcalfe

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