Sunday, November 16, 2008

Generalissimo Francisco Franco... An Appreciation

Franco was a big guy, strong and beautiful sadly this came to an end on the morning of Friday November 14, 2008. As he always did he came into the house that morning to see my wife but she knew immediately there was a problem... His breathing was labored and crackly and he had a faraway look in his eyes. I was dispatched to take to his Vet to see what the problem might be. Two hours of work up then a trip to the Emergency Animal Center where Dr. Kevin Bell rendered a diagnosis. Heart and Kidney failure. The questions began “Yes this can happen with out warning” I’m sorry the prognosis is not good”. With a confirming diagnosis from a Radiologist we realized the worst was going to happen.

So at about 11:30 last night he crossed the rainbow bridge and we are left with the memories and the photos and an empty food bowl.

I know this is a strange place to put and obituary for a cat but as I write this the tears still come to my eyes as I remember this fine animal and his effect on my life and the lives around him.
Teri and I will miss him

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